can anyone ID this geo

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 8, 2013
I posted a pic of a juvenile geo befoe but was too young to id. I went to the lfs I bought it from where they had an older one in their display tank. They tell me it's a surinamesis but I am told it is probaby not. Here is a pic of the one at the lfs

I will guarantee that it is 100% NOT a Surinamensis, they are never imported basically...

The species I was gonna say before reading that you were told it was a Surinamensis was an abalios, which is commonly sold as a surinamensis
Thanks I was thinking that. Another website had said maybe altifrons but I wasn't sure
I'm curious what the differences are between the 2 at this age. I've been looking up pictures and I can't tell the difference.
Abalios: no facial markings, six dorso-ventrally directed yellowish gray bars, large spot on its flank coinsiding with the 3rd bar, and usually striped caudal fin (however when young can be spotted or a combo of both)

Altifrons: No facial markings, small (less than four scales) or non-existent spot on flank, and spotted caudal fin.
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