Can Anyone Identify??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 14, 2012
Daphne Alabama
Any experts out there able to tell what these might be? I thought they were tangerine tigers but the bigger they get the less they resemble tangerines. More brown in them than anything.





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Do they have like feather hands to filter the water? They look like my bamboo shrimp.
Those are natural colored neocardina shrimp. My yellow shrimp throw those occasionally. That is their natural color and sometimes the genes revert back to those. I have a tank full if those now. I like them. They look cool in my opinion.
I agree that those look like the wild coloration of Neos.

I don't have a ton of experience with tangerine tigers, having just recently acquired a small colony, but this is what mine look like on Eco Complete.
Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. If you bought these at a shop, I wouldn't hesitate to make a polite phone call about the issue. You never know, they may want to make it right.
Lol yeah. Ouch. Unfortunately it wasn't at a pet shop I got them from a user on here. I just thought maybe I was looking too hard at them and wanted another opinion about what type they actually are. Two of the females are berried and about to pop. Good luck with yours. They have the prettiest color to them that's why I wanted some.
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