Can cichlid planted tanks exist?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 6, 2010
So this weekend my mom came home to tell me that a guy she works with is breaking down one of his 4 massive tanks, which happens to be a cichlid tank. He's offered to give them to me if I want them, so they are taken care of well.

I'm really really tempted as I think most cichlids are gorgeous, but I don't want to give up my hopes of a planted tank. I don't think strictly hardscaped tanks look near as nice.

Really I'm looking for input on what you guys/gals think about how this would work out. Obviously I'd have to rehome my rainbows and barbs, but do I really have to give up the plants?
What types would make it possible? I don't have all the information from the guy yet but I'm trying to figure out if I should tell mom to get more information or not.
better to find out what kind of fish vs me listing out all the ones that will work lol
For the most part, you can rule out africans, its mainly only the SA/CA and New World Cichlids that do well with plants. Kind of a blanket statement, and not all SA/CA and New World cichlids will leave plants alone. Like MG said, best to find out what kind you're asking about before giving a yes or no answer
I agree with them above. Its better to find out what they are. Alot of Cichlids won't work with plants, but there are a good bit that will work. Some eat them, others dig them up and some do both.

If the guy has a "cichlid tank" I assume its Africans, which won't work with plants....but if you can, get more info so we know for sure what they are.
Ok, I'll get mom to have the guy email me the stock list. I really just don't want to do away with the whole planted idea. Non-planted tanks seem half finished to me.
Well if I had my choice, I'd have another tank to put the cichlids in. However, considering I've had to move back in to my parents house after losing my job and fiance, I'm not in the position to have another one. Really I'm lucky I can keep my 75 set up.
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