Can i add a pleco?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 9, 2011
I know my tanks going to fill out nicely as is and I doubt I could add one with the fish currently in it but I have to ask. It's my 55 gallon with 4 adult pictus cats and the single Jack Dempsey. The Jacks still small at 4 inches but I'm expecting it to max out at 8.

Could I add a single BN pleco, green phantom or blue phantom pleco, clown pleco? Or something of similar size in with them? Or would that put my bioload off the charts?
I know their waste making machines. I just love plecs. I really wanna get one. or one of the 5 idk if its at all possible though the 5 species I have narrowed it down to are

Green Phantom pleco
Blue phantom pleco
Gold nugget pleco
Clown pleco
Bristlenose pleco
You are maxed out if not over stocked but if you stay on top of your water changes you could either have a bnp or a clown Pleco as they are the two smallest varieties you can have one and you'll be fine.
Alright thanks but with a bristlenose or a clown pleco do they require driftwood or am I fine without it? Also what should I feed a clown pleco or Bridtlenose just algae wafers and cucumber or some meat in there to?

Which one is the most active between the two?
Male BN get to a nice size, about 6 inches max, females get more at like 4
The smallest is a rio negro at 3 inches
I would add a bn pleco, I would also add driftwood, those suckers chew right through it!
Male BN get to a nice size, about 6 inches max, females get more at like 4
The smallest is a rio negro at 3 inches
I would add a bn pleco, I would also add driftwood, those suckers chew right through it!

Ok so a male maxes out at 6 inches so what would be wrong with me adding a gold nugget pleco don't they max out at 6 inches to? I swore they do depending on the gold nugget species. Not arguing here just throwing ideas around lol.
A gold nugget may not be able to handle a cichlid.
I'd personally recommend a bushy nose over a gold.
Really that sucks.. I love the gold nuggets I have always wanted one. But oh well any other opinions on it?
I really do not see what's wrong with adding a clown pleco I have 2 in my 55gal tank with 2 firemouth cichlids 2 green terror 1 frontosa a albino Oscar a tiger Oscar and they get along fine
I really do not see what's wrong with adding a clown pleco I have 2 in my 55gal tank with 2 firemouth cichlids 2 green terror 1 frontosa a albino Oscar a tiger Oscar and they get along fine

WOW I would do some research on your stock
I really do not see what's wrong with adding a clown pleco I have 2 in my 55gal tank with 2 firemouth cichlids 2 green terror 1 frontosa a albino Oscar a tiger Oscar and they get along fine

Woah that tank is ridiculously overstocked. Get rid of everything except for your firemouth or green terrors.

But back to my thread any other thoughts about the gold nugget pleco?
Their fine obviously or I wouldn't have them together I do not plan on keeping them in the same tank till their 8in big or anything.. their all about 2 3 in now so I have plenty of time.. and its funny because my frontosa and albino oscar will not leave each others side so I really do not want to separate them .. so negative geeze ppl just because a book or someone tells you things shouldn't go together dose not mean you can't try and see what happens
WHat you just said there is extremely unfair to the fish. Sure they may get along but what happens when the mature and get around 10" you'll have unreal ammonia lvls. I don't mean to come across as rude but please be sure to rehome all but the fire mouths or green terrors as previously stated before they get too big are start killing each other. Thank you.
I planned on it that IS what I just said lol they are going to get moved I'm just waiting on my other tank to arrive its being custom built so I mean I really have no other place for them believe me I under stand that majority of my fish will get to be 10 in or bigger... thx for caring about my fish tho well maybe u could help me then my oscar is sick can u look at my other post? About him..
Hey guys this was a thread about if I could add a pleco I understand her tank is ridiculously overstocked or will be but can I add a snowball pleco or golden nugget to my tank?

He's probably sick because of water quality just saying...
How big are the pictus cats?
I have a 4.5 inch carpintis with a bristle nose in a 55 and all is good. the carpintis will stare down the pleco every now and then but never does anything.
I don't think just the 2 i have in the 55 will be able to stay and i will be moving them to a 75 soon as a perm home. If the cats you have aren't big as adults i don't see why you coulnt do a smaller pleco. I would just watch the water quality to determine if you need to increase PWC.
Their spotted adults maxed out at 4.5 inches for 2 years now. Is the snowball pleco a good idea? Are they hardy when it comes to introduction and feeding? Will it put up with a JD?
Well I'm not familiar with a snowball pleco but the funny thing is just after i typed my response to you I just saw my carpintis attack the pleco so now I just don't know and im thinking about moving my pleco.
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