can I add a soil/clay peat/clay mix to an already set up tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 1, 2012
Sunny Buffalo
planned plants:

varied Anubias, a couple different swords, a Cryptocoryne or two, ferns, Fissidens for floor, varieties of liverwort and Nymphaeaceae. Haven't decided on exact specimens. Do I need to be more specific?

Tank is already cycling with a dozen neons, plants and some dw. Is it near impossible to add a soil/clay diy substrate or one with peat. would it just be a disaster if I raked the gravel to one side after taking out plants/wood and added substrate and then repeated on other side. would it just be all in the water and is more mess than Its worth. could I use the eco complete that way if i spent the money.

or is my best bet to hook up my new lighting when it arrives and try fert tabs and flourish.
I have read on other forums about people putting thin sheets of wet dirt into the freezer. After its frozen, they slide it under the existing substrate to melt into place.
I have never done this, but from what I have read, it works fairly well.
can I add soil/clay or peat/clay diy mix to an already set up tank?

frozen sheets, that is not a half bad idea, I am going to do some research, thanks.
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