Can I add just one bolivian ram to my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 26, 2015
I don't know, I just find them interesting and beautiful. I would love to keep one, but of course I want all of the fish to live happily. I don't want to overstock my tank and crowd it :ermm:

But anyways, I have a 30 gallon planted tank, it's moderately planted right now, and the most of the plants are new so they're still getting used to my tank... aka melting. In my tank I have 1 male dwarf gourami, 9 zebra danios, 5 platies, 5 peppered corydoras, ghost shrimps, and malaysian trumpet snails.

My tank has been running for a few months now and it was cycled prior to adding any new fish. I keep my tanks at around 76-77 degrees 78 would be the warmest it'll ever go.

Anyways, this wouldn't be my first time with cichlids, I grew up with a father fascinated with big fish so we'd always have an oscar. But, this will be my first time keeping a dwarf cichlid in my own tank.

I am doing my research and have heard that bolivian rams are the hardiest and does well in a planted community tank.

I don't know :fish2: I just want to try something new.. Sorry for the rambling, but advice anyone? Should I or should I not?
Yeah, your ghost shrimp will end up as a antsy snack if there aren't enough plants to hide in.

I have a healthy full-sized GBR who lost its mate to illness. He seems to be happy, with ghost shrimp of all sizes and a surviving oto, in a big puff of Java fern keeping the tank clean.
Thank you everyone! I will try and raise a ram in the future, but decided on waiting for my plants to grow bigger so everyone will have their own territory.
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