Can I add yellow labs in here?

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As I said in your other thread, with your current setup is incompatible with Lake cichlids. Please stop fishing for the answer you want to read.
If you were to rehome ALL other fish, and have a good filtration system, I would say you could get four labs, they do get a decent size, largest I have seen is 5 inches. This setup is risky tho, as you may have aggression issues. In my honest opinion I would say your tank setup now is a better one, and If you want to get yellow labs in the future get at least a 40 gallon breeder.
Ok....... I really want something that is a cichlid that is bright and compatible with what I have now... Any ideas????? Something that can breed nicely
i would address the issue with the shark first and then maybe do some research about dwarf cichlids, i dont know if the fish you have right now are compatible with dwarfs but for size i think that is the only cichlid you will have a chance with. you may have to lose some of your tank members tho
Get a bigger tank and then you can have labs.

I saw earlier you said something about salt? Are you thinking cichlid salt cause that's not the same thing.
Ralphie126 said:
Ok....... I really want something that is a cichlid that is bright and compatible with what I have now... Any ideas????? Something that can breed nicely

If you're looking for them to breed then you absolutely cannot use that 36.
Malawi Freak said:
If you're looking for them to breed then you absolutely cannot use that 36.

Agreed, if you want to breed them then your tank is too small. Like I said do some research on dwarf cichlids. They are colorful when in the right conditions and go well with community tanks.
I would say a 40g breeder is minimum for a small breeding group 1 m 2-3 females, but thats all! you would need a way to raise the fry, also. Wouldn't make for a very colourful of interesting tank IMO.

Fine if you want to just breed tho.

I appreciate that your asking questions and trying to learn, but it does sound more like your asking how you can make it work with what you have got already. And it's simply not possible, when taking in consideration the fish you want and the fish you have and the tank you what to use.

If you want to do any african cichlid, you will have to upgrade your tank and filtration. Be regimental over water changes, and do lots of research on the types and comparability. Too often tanks are stocked with incompatible fish on either bad research or impulse buys, and fish die unnecessary.

Cichlids are extremely beautiful , fascinating fish, when you get it right. Get it wrong and you will loose fish to bad water quality and illness, and aggression.

I can recommend some good books to read if you can find them for sale or in a library. Will post later if your interested.
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