Can I put a frog in with my Betta?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 22, 2004
Leduc Alberta, Canada
I was wondering if someone could help me? I have a betta in a 5 gallon with a live plant in it. I have just bought a frog and was going to put it in my 10 gallon with my danio's and guppies but once I got it home I think I would like to put it with my betta. The 5 gallon is not heated or filtered, where as the 10 gallon is both. I'm not sure of the requirements for a frog :oops: other than hiding places and I bought a castle to go with him. Please help! :?


First of all...what kind of frogs are they? Iam guessing you got african dwarf frogs. I have two dwarf frogs living with a betta in my 5 gallon that is not filtered (but the light warms up the water) and they seem to be doing great. Just make sure you keep the water super clean with no chlorine and vacuum the bottom (but don't suck up the frogs). You should also have a cover for the tank because they can jump out .They also need to be fed live black worms several times a week.
Thank-you Sofia,
I always clean my tanks I have been told I do it to much. :eek: I don't have lights on my betta tank so it is whatever the room tep is. So I decided to put him in my 10 gallon. :D He will be fine in there I know it. I just figure with the frozen food for him it would be nice to let my betta have some to and not have to put it in 2 tanks.

Also it's a good idea to put something over your filter from getting the frog sucked up ( I heard stories). Good luck!
A froggy is either safe or not. Bettas are always 50/50 about tankmates.
They don't eat them unless yours is really scrappy or aggressive, Senior Ranito should be okay... :)
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