Can i put my African Dwarf Frog with my saltwater fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
I have a 75 gallon freshwater with an angelfish, five large danios, a Molly, two algea eaters and one red tailed shark. I have two African dwarf frogs that are also in the tank. I noticed today that the red tailed shark has started nipping at them. Can I put them in my saltwater tank that consist of two clownfish, striped damsel, domino damsel and blue damsel..... Thanks
They are freshwater animals . You could keep then in a five gallon together or 2.5 gal as long as its not high
No. Thats like putting a human on the moon with no oxygen. ADF are freshwater, not salt. May i ask what size are your 2 tanks?
The saltwater is a 29 gallon biocube and then my freshwater is a 75 gallon.... I haven't noticed them messing with them until today.... The shark grabbed a hold of his leg and tried to drag him..... I guess I could put them in a goldfish bowl until I can get them something else tomorrow
I used to keep one in agal bowl but realized it wasn't working to well for him so I gave him away . plus all he did was hide
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