Can I safely convert a goldie tank to a tropical tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Hello all! I wonder if someone could help me with a question I have. I have a 3 year old (rectangular) 20 gal goldfish tank that houses 2 fairly large happy healthy fantails (nearly fist size) and 1 (one) 6 inch pleco. I recently purchased a new 50 gal for them (which is currently cycling) and what I’d like to know is this: can I safely convert the old 20 gal to a tropical tank with only a percentage water change and can I leave some of the old plants/décor in there? I will of course increase the temp to suit the new inhabitants but I’m not sure whether I need to remove all the water and plants and start it up again as a new tank? I also need some advice on stocking – I was thinking about 2 dwarf gouramis, 6 tetras (neon or diamond), one smaller pleco and maybe 2 angels. Would this be overstocking (the filtration on the tank is for 30gal/hour) and would the angels even be compatible (I’ve heard they’re a little aggressive and that they need tanks larger than 20 gal)? Any advice or helpful info would be greatly appreciated.

maybe the two angels or the two dwarf gouramis, but 20 gallons isn't much space for both of them.. and if you get the angels you cna't have neon tetras.. they will eventually get eaten. If you get the dwarf gouramis you have a lot more options for tank mates.
it shouldn't matter - the only difference is temperature.
(it only matters when converting from saltwater to freshwater or vice versa)
You are doing the same thing that I did. When I started out I had feeder goldfish, but I got tired of my goldfish cause they were so dirty, and I wanted a change, so I gave my goldfish away turned up the heat and put some tropicals in there and I have had tropicals ever since. I didn't change anything but the temp.
I'm sure everyone else may have something else to say, but it worked for me.
Good luck on the change over.
Agreed, turn up the heat and add tropicals. Your biologic filter will work even better at the higher temp.
TomK2 said:
Agreed, turn up the heat and add tropicals. Your biologic filter will work even better at the higher temp.

the good bacteria might grow better
BUT there is less oxygen in a heated tank (bacteria need oxygen to grow) -so you will be limited in your stocking capability
- you need to stock less in a tropical tank and increase the aeration
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