Can someone explain what silicates are

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2002
Can someone explain what silicates are.....and how u test for it? Trying to fix an algae bloom. :?

Post split from original thread and moved into current forum for great exposure.
Silicates are molecular Ions containing Silica bound with a metal. They are small harmless molecules.

Diatoms (along with other creatures) use Silicates to build their shell. Without Silicates Diatoms cannot survive. Diatoms are the microscopic alga that gathers on the glass and looks like dust when you scrape the glass. Most of the snails in the hobby live exclusively on Diatoms.

To remove Silicate from water you can use Reverse Osmosis to remove about 70% and then DeIonization to remove the rest.

Hair and most other types of nusiance algae do not need Silicates so removing all Silicates will have no effect on them.


Thanks Guy,

So now I know silicates are most likely not my problem, phospates either. Hoping the emerald crap and skimmer will help.

Thanks again
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