can you ID this turtle?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 23, 2011
Hi I have been given this aquatic turtle, can you id it? Thanks


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looks like a red stripe turtle or even a musk...not 100% sure...
I'd have to agree with the stinkpot or musk turtle identification. They're pretty nice turtles from what I've read/dealt with.
I have a musk, and yours is definitely a musk. If u need help of setup or care just ask.
Help for setup would be great, I got a 40w basking light
Well they do need a basking light preferably above a rock or land section out of the water, but probably won't use it alot.

Under the basking lamp, the temp should be around 26-28c. The water should be filtered and heated to around 24-26c lowering it to 20-24c when they reach around 6 months.
On lighting you need a UVB bulb which helps them metabolise calcium and retain their strong shell, this is a must!. They an be either a strip or compact bulb, but should be 5% UVB not 10% desert!. If you go for compact, reptisun 5% reptile bulb is a good buy. This bulb should be around 7-12 inches from the tank and should light the whole thing so they are exposed to it all day. This should also bot have glass in-between the light and the water as the glass will stop the UVB. The same with the basking light, should be 7-12 inches depending on the temp underneath.

They are mainly swimmers or bottom walkers and enjoy alot of room to move around, so the less decor the better, however they do need lots of ways to get to the surface when they are that small, like some floating plants or wood that cones out of the water. They tend to 'hang' on leaves and stuff and push their noses out the water, and stay like that or hours. If possible have an area out the water away from the basking light to create hot and cold areas out the water.

They are very very messy and need a decent filter to deal with them. Also weekly water changes are essential. Keep the tank clean as poss.

Also the tank shouldn't have a lid, the tank should preferably have an open top to allow air to circulate around the tank. This is a must as condensation can cause many illnesses, including shell rot.

That's all I can think of right now! Hope that helps! Any questions, again just ask.
Thanks thats helped me massively, I have a spare 3ft fish tank I will set up for him in the morning. Just got to find somewhere to buy a compact uvb bulb. How long will he be ok with out one of them id I cant find one straight away? Again many thanks
He should be fine for a while, he won't suffer immediate effects, so just as-long as you get one as soon as you can, it will be fine. A few weeks wouldn't hurt I imagine.

Water depth around 6" while they are small, but can go deeper if he is a good swimmer, however it's recommended 6" for a hatchling, once he starts growing you can make the water deeper.
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