Can you someone explain my water readings?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2012
Can someone explain my water readings?

It's been about 6 days since setting up my 16g saltwater tank. I doused it with ammonia from the start. On day 1 and day 2, ammonia read 2ppm. I upped the levels to 4+ ppm on day 2. I was concerned that I might have overdosed with the ammonia since the colors for 4 and 8 on the API test are similar so I did a 20% water change. I tested the water again, and the ammonia level seemed to be about 3. So I'm assuming the original ammonia level was about a 4. I started testing for nitrite on day 3, but the test came out 0ppg. It's day 6 now, and ammonia level is about a 2 and my nitrite level is still 0ppg (baby blue). Just for kicks I tested for nitrates, and the test came out 5 or 10 (the colors are pretty similar), but definitely not a 0. The water that I used is RO water and I tested that, and it came out to 0. I would have thought by now that I should be reading some level of nitrite but I'm not, and I'm getting nitrates instead. What does this mean?
Did you add live rock? That could be where your nitrates came from.

Yes. the tank has about 12 pounds of cured live rock that I got from a LFS. Also, I added about 20 pounds of aragonite sand. I was kinda thinking the same thing that the size of the ammonia eating bacterial colony might be smaller than the size of the nitrite eating bacterial colony. Is that possible?
Just be patient with the cycling it's going to take a few more weeks.

I would have thought that I would starting seeing signs of nitrite by now. Im wondering why I see signs of nitrate and no nitrite.
Yep it is possible and more than likely what is going on . It took my tank a little over a week for trites so just keep waiting it out
Yep it is possible and more than likely what is going on . It took my tank a little over a week for trites so just keep waiting it out

Same here took almost two weeks for trItes maybe 11 days or so. Just keep checking.

Thanks for your input. I thought my cycling had stalled b/c I went trigger happy with my ammonia. :)
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