canopy question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2004
sarasota fl
i have a 55 gal with a canopy on top.under the canopy i have a glass lid.recently i started to have temp. problems,going up to about 84 during the day with the pc's on.i installed a fan but it didnt help as much as i wanted.can i remove the glass lids?i have a yellow tang,maroon clown,purple pseudo,skunk cleaner shrimp,camel shrimp,and assorted snails and hermits.thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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Be careful if it's the plexi splash guard. If the lights are too close to the water surface, splashing can cause problems. If there is a glass divider as well, then remove the glass. Might also be how the fan was installed or you may just need another one. PC lights are generally easy to keep cool. Make sure the fan is pulling the air out, not pushing the air into the hood. It makes alot of difference.

If you're concerned about the fish jumping, get eggcrate to put over the top of the tank. You can get it at most HD- it is used for light fixtures in offices and such.
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