Carbon in planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 9, 2012
How many people use carbon in a planted tank? I was wondering if i should or should not be using it. Are there pros and cons to using it? Thanks for any info.
Using (Chemical) Carbon Medium

How many people use carbon in a planted tank? I was wondering if i should or should not be using it. Are there pros and cons to using it? Thanks for any info.

Hello bill...

If you follow a good water change routine, you don't need to use carbon. Large, weekly water changes will do a lot more for your tank than chemical medium. The water changes remove more dissolved wastes and keep the water pure. So, save your money.

Here's a tip I picked up several years ago:

If you change half the water in your tank every week, you won't need to overfilter your tank and you won't need to test the water either. That's because the water isn't in the tank long enough for dissolved wastes to build up and foul the water, before the next large water change. You'll always have stable water conditions.

I agree with Bb I do the same...I do not run carbon and do large weekly water changes however I do probably closer to 40-45% .. :)
Thank you. That's what I've been doing it nice to have it confirmed.
The only problem using carbon in a planted tank is that if you dose fertilizer, the carbon is removing it before the plants can use it.
boadams87 said:
The only problem using carbon in a planted tank is that if you dose fertilizer, the carbon is removing it before the plants can use it.

Thanks I never thought about that
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