Cat tattoos?

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I completely agree with captaincritical. Also, not trying to be negative here, but the line work in the photos was mediocre at best.

I have a couple of tattoos. They're decent, but not great. I was 18 when I got my first one, and it was so completely stupid I had it covered up at 24. The cover up is a butterfly on my lower back and it's ok, but nothing special. I also have a small fleur de lis on the inside of my left wrist, done in black, and let me tell you it was excruciating. I can imagine that the inside of the foot would be very similar. Mine turned out ok, but not perfect, and it's probably because I did a little accidental squirming. Lower back was like a massage compared to that one, even though the wrist tattoo took half an hour or less.

My honest opinion is that you should wait until you are at least 18. As mentioned, reputable artists won't want to work on a minor, so you run the risk of getting sub-par work done... but TRUST ME, people change a lot from 14 to 18, and then from 18 to mid 20s... and on and on. What looks really cool to you at 14 may not be so pleasing to your 18 or 20 year old aesthetic. :)
I'm full of support for you because I love that it has meaning. But like everyone else said make sure it is what you want, I've been planning mine for years. I have notebooks full of ideas on what I want, where I want it(ranging from my thigh to my rib cage) and how I want it done, just lines or colored in. Don't worry about what other people think of the design either! My ideas are of random simple things with deeper meanings. A Lollie pop and a gum ball for my siblings and awareness ribbons on each side of my ribs, a saying around a scar and a shotgun shell pattern on my shoulder.
I really do not like tattoos. A few are fine but when you get to the point were they start to come together it's just gross. This is just my opinion and many others. Why make life harder. Tattoos are addictive just like fish. I started with a 20g when I was 12 and now I have 9 tanks at 15. You can be close to a cat it's fine and a little tattoo isn't bad but you just might regret it. I saw this one tattoo show were this lady got a cat tattoo on her shoulder at a young age it ended up looking like a d*ck. so make sure you get a reputable artist. Just curious did you get the tattoo. It's been a couple months?

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All I would say is make sure you have a true artist do your work, not some flunky.

If it takes weeks/months to get an appt. + the extra money, will be truly worth it and also make sure you want it for your whole life. A friend's daughter got a huge one, a tree and branches up her whole side from her hip area to under her arm, chest and shoulder. There were animals there representing her family members, etc. It was an interesting idea but it ended up somewhat crudely done and disappointing, though she still likes what it represents, but sad.

If a master had done it it would have been stunning.

Yeah, you just want a line drawing of a cat. But there are real differences in quality.
If you do go through with it just make sure to go to a reputable place- or wait until you're older if you can't find one that will do it

I have a bunch and the only one I regretted was my first one- 18 in college went to the first place I heard of without research. Needless to say it was small and kinda sloppy- bit luckily easy to cover.

Even with scarring/nerve damage it will still probably hurt. Elbow was by far the worst so I would think ankle area would be similar

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