Catching a singapore dwarf angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 30, 2007
Woodbridge, Va
We have a Singapore in our tank that has been in there for a while but every time we put in a new fish he starts to bully them. He is becoming more aggressive and territorial the longer he is in there. We tried renting a trap from the LFS but he wanted nothing to do with it. Anyone have any ideas on how to catch him or am i just gonna have to take out all the live rock and chase him around with a net?
There are a few options:
1. Try the coke bottle trick. Take the top, 1/3rd off and turn it around so the opening is pointing to the bottom and secure it. Make sure the hole is big enough to let him swim in. Add some frozen food, soaked in garlic. Hopefully he will swim in and get caught.
2. Leave the net in there for a few days, so he gets used to it. Feed the tank, near the net and try to catch him then.
3. Wait till lights out, find out where he sleeps and give him time to settle in. Turn on the lights and try to snag him that way. The element of surprise!!
4. Remove the LR and catch him that way.

Now to prevent all of these, try feeding him and turning the lights out and adding the new fish.
Feed the tank, turn off the lights, move some of the LR around and add the new fish.
Remove him from the tank and place him in a QT for a week or so. Let the new fish find a comfy place and then add the Angel back in the tank.

By the way, what other fish are you trying to add?
First we tried a copperband butterfly which i don't think he liked because of the similar body type. Then we added a green mandarin and both of those died. The most recent one was a diamond watchman golby which seems to be doing ok and has settled in but the angelfish still harasses him all day long and we are worried about putting anything else in there right now because of him.

current stock list

singapore angel
diamond watchman
2X teardrop clown

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