CC or Live Sand? Why Switch?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2004
St. Charles Il
I ran into some forums talking about changing from crushed coral over to live sand. What are the benefits to doing this? My reefs been up for seven months now with no major probs, except a little extra buffering once in awhile to keep the ph up. Am I gonna wish I used live sand later on down the road? I don't seem to have a shortage of copepods, worms and other unidentified mysteries crawling around my cc all the time. Also, if I have to move my tank about an hour away, will corraline algae survive on my glass (just getting some nice coloration on the glass) if it's dry for an hour or two?
sand is only a benefit if you invest in a dsb for filtering... otherwise its pretty much what you want your tank to look like. I like cc because it adds a lot of trace minerals to the water, basically acting as a nutrient buffer for calcium and magnesium (atleast mine is rated to do this not sure if all cc is like this). This particular board is a big fan of the dsb, but if you take a look around the net for ways to set up a tank there are benefits/horror stories for just about any set up. If cc is working for you and your fish I would say stick with what is working. If you have lots of pods your cc is basically live sand, just coarser ;). Another option is mixing in sand to get different sized particles in your substrate (I personally like this look and have a 2:1 cc: argonite sand ratio).
well my sand is also say it helps rase the levels of mg and strontium. it is also aragonite so it helps with the ph too. i switched it out becasue i like the look better now and some anemones need it for there foot. and i plan on haveing some of them in my tanks cc was also growing with coralline and i really did not liek the look of that. it is also less work you do not have to really mix it up or suck out all the food. the hermit crabs eat it all.
With your CC you probably vacume the substrate to keep down on the nitrates and the collecion of fish waste. In a sand bed you dont do this. The DSB will naturally remove nitrates aswell. Its not hard to have a saltwater atnk with a DSB and keep your nitrates at a level below 10ppm. The sand being a smaller size will also buffer your tank sooner than the larger CC particles.

There are some substrate critters that will much prefer a sandy substrate over a corse CC substrate.
Thanks to all, I guess I'm gonna stay with cc for now but I am planning a move to a larger tank soon and I m now considering the dsb. I like the sound of more buffering capabilities and ease of keeping nitrates down, because I like the look of lots of live rock and it is getting harder and harder to vacuum the cc. What do y'all think about the corraline staying alive dry for an hour or two? I've been waiting to finally get that nice purple look and I hagte to see it die off. I know, patience is a virtue....just one I don't really have :) Also, I'm new, whats up with the kudos, how come I can only give certain amounts to certain people, whats the standard...etc? And I had 7 last night and now I only have 2, whats the deal, do I offend?

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