Central Sump Filtration System , AKA CSFS

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 29, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Ok to keep it all in one place, ..

Ok so I have lots of mechanical abilities, and a love for water. Right now I have 90g FW, 5.5g Dwarf puff, and a 30g Reef w/fish in my theater. Under all of this I have a basement with a good bit of room. My RO/DI system is in the basement. Right now all the tanks have there own (less the puffer it has a sponge filer) EHEIM canister filer, the FW has one rated at 120g or so and the SW has one rate a 60g or so. I alto have a massive Wet/Dry filter not in use.

What I was thinking was setting up two sumps in the basement, one for the SW and one for the FW. The one for the SW would have built in refugium. I was hope to add two more small tanks soon. One would be a custom built 10g niche table mounted to the wall but have legs on the front this I wanted to be a SW and have something like crabs only. The other was going to be another 5.5g FW that would be my shrimp thank. Pulls I will toying around with the idea if having a small (10g ) planted tank.

Some of my reasons. On my salt system, I have no room for a HOB skimmer, and there is no room under the tank ( I can post a pic if it helps) . So I need a place to put the skimmer, plus it would be nice to have more volume, and then I have the ability to expand. As far as the FW goes I do have room For a sump but then I have no more room for any more tanks in the stand. So the basement sounds like the best.

Now for some ides, I already have most of the substrate in the SW’s EHEIM trade out for
crushed LR. So what I would like to do is some how user the canisters to assist the sums in some way. One, Have the sumps filer the water right at the sumps, and have HOB filters on the 90g, and 30g and drill al future tank for over flows. , I also thought I could use the EHEIM’s to push the water back to the tanks but am not sure if this will work for multiple reasons but power being the main one. One main thing is I don’t want to waist the EHEIM’s.

So I know this sounds like a big task but the bulk of the work is just running PVC.

Now as far as the sumps, I am undecided, do I just get two cheep glass tanks (what size) ro I get some Rubbermaid containers, or I could build the tanks one of two ways , I could make them ALL out plexi or I could make them like the DIY tanks ( wood and marine safe epoxy) with plexi fronts.

To answer some of your questing I am crazy, and yes my wife thinks I am .

But what do you think…

Old Posts FW

Old Posts SW
The threds will be locked so post here.
Well, my next steps are,

One I have two large pumps, I will look them up and find out the head pressure. I will then be going to a farm and fleet store to look at tubs.

I have this idea, from what I have found out the canisters will not have enough head pressure. So I am going to hook the canisters right up to the sumps. This will keep the tanks uncluttered. This will also give me an established filter that I can separate from the main system for emergencies and or isolations. Now I will do the same on the salt but I have this idea. I will use my old 20g as a refugium, I will use the current canister to pump water up a few (2-3 feet) to the refugium and from there it will overflow back in to the sump.

So my list is this.

Pump info
Determine tubs.
Determine most efficient location
Run one large drain, and supply line in the wall to each location, ( will have same type if quick disconnect)

Buy new 5.5g for the puffer (pre drilled)
Buy two HOB over flows for the 90g FW MAIN and two for the 30g SW MAIN ( I have been told to use two for safety.
Buy some sort of flexible line to put the water back in the tanks that are not drilled (any help on this)
Buy bulkheads for the drilled tanks ( where can I find these)
Need I nice used skimmer
Need a light for the refugium ( what do I use for this)

So if anyone knows of a good place to get fittings, bulkheads and that flexible pipe that you can screw into the supply line to put water back in that tank that would rock. Also what about lighting for the refugium and a good skimmer for the sump, would like used one…

So what do you think any comments or suggestions.
Great News, the wife has jumped on the CSFS band wagon. I get all the lumber for free, I will probally get the Sumps this weekend,

I will start out with two 40g sumps, the fresh will get the trickle filter to increase o2, the salt with have a 20g refugium above the 40g sump. so the salt system will have 60g ( this is all for now) he he...
Got the sumps...


Test pump is order, should have 3000gph and 20ft
Puffer is cute. Your linked page appears to be empty. Can you upload a pic or diagram to this thread?

I think the only reason you wouldnt want to use a pool pump is its noise, but since its in your basement it shouldn't matter if gph at head is enough. If the sump bins have been used for stuff (it looks like they have been) its best to get new bins I think. Good job with the wife ;)
czcz said:
Puffer is cute. Your linked page appears to be empty. Can you upload a pic or diagram to this thread?

this link? http://www.bathroommonkey.com/houseplan/acwebpublish.htm

if so.. it works from home, it is a XML page , it needs IE and you have to watch out for your popup blocker and or IE security settings.

czcz said:
If the sump bins have been used for stuff (it looks like they have been) its best to get new bins I think. Good job with the wife ;)

the sumps are brand new, just a bit of dust.
For my salt sump, I would like to get the sand started on its way ASAP, looking at the play sand miked with live sand, what about, I set it up and cycle it like a stand alone system then when the whole system is done I can slowly acclimate the tank to the sump...

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