changing filter?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2011
midlands uk
Hi at the minute we have a power head which goes up to a spray bar. Through a couple of filter pads then back out into the top of the tank. Ive just found one of my guppys dead stuck in the inlet tub. We also had 5 neons, 2 of which i suspect had similar misfortunes. I know i can just fill it with media and/or fit a filter pad over the end but i have been led to believe under gravel is better.

Can i just adapt my pump to to an undergravel pad? Or would i need a whole new set up. Can anyone recommend any good kit.

My tank is 165l Aqua one ar850
If the fish was stuck to the inlet, it was dead prior to that happening. Undergravel filters have fallen out of favor because of the belief they are more work than they are worth.
Oh... Nuff said. What about my neons. We originally suspected they were ate by the big clown loach (5 inch) that came with the tank but i didnt think he would eat them alive and the other 3 are fine.

Your probably right about the guppy he seemed unwell. Shame really we thought he was just being bullied by one of the others and we just took the bully back to the lfs yesterday.
thats what i thought but that still leaves me wondering what happened to our 2 neons.... i havent done a water change today so ill have a good route around but i havent seen thm for really puzzled now there is nothing else big enough to eat them.
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