Changing substrate on an established tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 14, 2013
North Central, OH
Does anyone have experience with doing this?

Right now I have a 26g bowfront that's heavily planted with gravel substrate that I am set on changing over to soil with a sand cap.

My question is; how do you do it?

I have 6 female bettas, 5 cories, and a few ghost shrimp, snails, and Endlers inhabiting this tank already, and don't have a back up large enough to house them all. Was planning on moving everyone over to a 5 gallon bucket while I switched everyone back out, but I'm worried that there will be too much sand dust kicked up after re-filling the tank that I'd have to leave the fish in the bucket for more than a few hours....

Also, how do you rinse sand? I have never dealt with it so I am clueless.
I'm either going with pool filter or black diamond blasting sand, I hear pool is harder to kick up than play, but black diamond is the hardest... Experiences?

Any advice would be great!
yes it can be done in an hour or two but you will need to rinse your sand first
even Before you start taking your fish out. i went from gravel to floramax caped with sand. with out going into great detail look on youtube for video on how to rinse aquarium sand. you use a bucket and a hose.maybe someone else has has done the dirt caped with sand.
Thanks frank!
I figured it would involve a bucket and hose going into it, just didn't know if there were other ways to do it.

How long do I wash it for?? Just till it looks clear, or what?

Also, should I drain the entire tank to change substrate, or should I leave some water in?
When I added pfs I didn't rinse it and used the "water bottle" method. You can YouTube if for an example.

When I recently changed substrates I took all the fish out, drained the tanked and scooped out the old. I actually filled it 1/3 the way a couple of times to vacuum all the mulm and poop. Even doing that I had a little ammonia after filling it all back up so I was glad the fish weren't in there. Also was way easier with no fish in the way. Worst part was finding the shrimp lol
HI VAC your rocks really good this will help and i left about enough to cover my rocks i kept the rocks surounding my plants that were well established in my tank i only had three so it was not a big deal. You can rinse that sand any way you want but the way i did it was a bucket and hose and rinse till the water runs clear. using your hand to stir it up as you rinse. my 55gal tank took a while but when i did the prep it went good. get your substrate in. Slowly add water use a plate or something so you do not pour on to the sand directly. Fill her up let it settle a bit and turn on your filter. and it should clear. I would add the plants before you start adding water or about 1/4 full. IMO GOOD LUCK
Thanks so much for te advice everyone!

Does anyone know how much sand I should have for a 26?
I've been told to use 2.5" of soil and 1" of sand as a cap, but that seems like a TON! I'm going to be buying a 50lb. Bag of both so it's not a big deal if I really have to do about 3.5" of substrate but it really does seem like its a little much
Thanks so much for te advice everyone!

Does anyone know how much sand I should have for a 26?
I've been told to use 2.5" of soil and 1" of sand as a cap, but that seems like a TON! I'm going to be buying a 50lb. Bag of both so it's not a big deal if I really have to do about 3.5" of substrate but it really does seem like its a little much

Have you looked at black diamond sandblasting? The price can't be beat at 8 dollars for a 50lb bag. It's black which really makes fish and plant colors pop.

Also, if you have a small tank to put your fish in with a heater and bubbler. It's a good idea. Than you don't feel so rushed to get the job done and fish back in the tank.
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I have looked into the black diamond sand, someone on another forum said that its pretty sharp though so not good for bottom dwellers... Is this true? I have cories and want to give them the best..they have already had to deal with gravel so I don't want to make them suffer longer
I have looked into the black diamond sand, someone on another forum said that its pretty sharp though so not good for bottom dwellers... Is this true? I have cories and want to give them the best..they have already had to deal with gravel so I don't want to make them suffer longer

I don't thinks its sharp. I have 8 Cory's and they love it
I might have to go with that then.
I love the natural look of the tan colored sand, but I think it'd probably end up looking a bit tacky with soil underneath. At the same time I am worried that if I do black sand with a black background that my tank would end up looking too dark. It'd definitely make my plants and fish pop, but I just don't know.

Does anyone have a picture of their tank with a black substrate and black background?
So, my scare is unfounded.
Your tank looks absolutely amazing like that! I'll have to go that route!!!

Is that a store bought background? I've heard of people using black trash bags and construction paper as backgrounds, any other DIY ways?

Also, what kind of lights are those? Shop lamps with fluorescents screwed in? Just wondering cuz I need another cheap solution to getting more lighting as well
you can paint it or what i did and i will send a pic was my wife got some black fabric and some velcro and it looks great and unlike paint if i want to change colors some day it will be easy and it is also easy to clean.
So, my scare is unfounded.
Your tank looks absolutely amazing like that! I'll have to go that route!!!

Is that a store bought background? I've heard of people using black trash bags and construction paper as backgrounds, any other DIY ways?

Also, what kind of lights are those? Shop lamps with fluorescents screwed in? Just wondering cuz I need another cheap solution to getting more lighting as well

Just Paint the back black. It's super easy to take paint off glass if you chose to change it.

Yes, Pls disregard the shelf im using as a top. had plexiglass cut but haven't picked it up. Those are the cheap clamp work light from lowes. Come in 6' and 10". Go with the 10" for 11 bucks each. I painted them flat black(grill spray paint).
The bulbs are 23w 6500k CFL's from lowes. 12$ a pack I think. I haven't put a par meter to the tank But from what I'v read. I'm somewhere between 40 to 60 par which is med to high light. I Do dose fert'z using the PPS-Pro's system. My plants are all happy and growing. I'm starting to add higher light plants as it warms up, which all are doing well.
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