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Can we not talk about this? I totally against fishing and its making me upset :(

Sure, no problem.
So we need a new subject then....let s see.. How about , does anyone have a coworker that drives them crazy? I have several....mostly it s that they don t care enough & don t pay attention to detail. Oh, and it s a professional setting & one girl just got a huge, ugly skull tattoo on her chest that I really never need to look at again.
Sure, no problem.
So we need a new subject then....let s see.. How about , does anyone have a coworker that drives them crazy? I have several....mostly it s that they don t care enough & don t pay attention to detail. Oh, and it s a professional setting & one girl just got a huge, ugly skull tattoo on her chest that I really never need to look at again.

Umm yes. The new boss that was just transferred in from idiotville. He is dumb and favors women. He wont lift a finger until some halfnaked girl walks in the door. Then he will jump at her every command
Oh, my god!
When I'm teaching the kinder garden karate classes, I am in the middle of push ups, and my "partner" stands up and says "I gotta go do this", he comes back and five minutes later "I gotta go do this" ANNOYING!
He goes like every five minutes to "go do something" and "go do something" is either go text, walk around, or go talk to someone else! Seriously! He's 25 and I'm 15 and I'm more responsible than him, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!
They both sound like real tools. I only work with one man & he s really condescending toward women & will ony talk to the ones he thinks are pretty. Fine with me, I can t stand him & glad he leaves me alone.
Also, a couple of the women have no sense of humor . It s a long 9 hr day when you re co workers are all serious & I just crack myself up sometimes!
They both sound like real tools. I only work with one man & he s really condescending toward women & will ony talk to the ones he thinks are pretty. Fine with me, I can t stand him & glad he leaves me alone.
Also, a couple of the women have no sense of humor . It s a long 9 hr day when you re co workers are all serious & I just crack myself up sometimes!

Hey, I get you, but that's kind of like how I met one of my ex girlfriends, lol it was funny
One time this very cute sister of a little boy I teach came for the first time, and my friend came with his " I gotta go do something" thing again, and he started to hit up on that chick, on a water break I grabbed him and told him that it's time to work not flirt, and I told the girl that he wasn't worth it, and I winked at her, trying to joke, and that's kind of how she liked me, my "partner" was pretty mad lol
Hah yea, it was pretty funny, but I guess it was justice after all of those " I gotta go do something" moments for the past year lol
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