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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2004
san francisco
my flame/honey dwarf gourami has got this blown out sore on his face between the eye and mouth. After reading some about it - I caught him to see if it was a fungus that could be wiped off - no (dont worry - I wasn't rubbing down on the sore) .. the color is white (where it comes out) and enflamed red near and around the skin. There is another Gourami friend in the same tank of the same breed .. they do battle sometimes but I can't believe they would be doing that to each other. The water is fine. I've been adding Melafix for the past 3 days .. it doesn't appear to be getting worse but not really better either. The fish still behaves normally and even chases his buddy around ... and ideas what exactly it is and what to do? here's the best photo I could get .. which is no good - sorry
When I moved my Dwarf and Opaline into the same tank, they seemed to go thru some mating posturing. (I truely do not know much about group dynamics for these fish.) The opaline then became very agressive and would chase the dwarf back up into his corner. 4" cube of space all of his own... in a 29 gal. sigh :roll: . He developed a sore close to his mouth and the first several spines under his belly became blackened. As soon as I had the 6 gal free I moved him in. The sore and spines slowly faded away like they were just battle bruises. I too tried a general anti, but no change really happened. He continued to eat and move around normally.
Now it could be that I was truely clueless and that luck favors the bold, small children and ships named Enterprise....but all signs are gone. :wink:
I hope that it just resolves itself for you as well.
Oh, and to everyone else... if I was just lucky and this is some weird black plague of gourami 8O let me know! :wink:
Well, I had this happen several times to both of my gouramis. It killed them both. I realized after the first time that it was heater burn. I think you've got the same situation here, but I could be wrong. Was this a sudden thing, or did it get worse gradually?

What did I do? Melafix each time... didn't work. Bought a heater guard... still burned themselves somehow... Propped everything I could infront of the heater... still didn't work. They found a way in. Finally asked around and was told that my heater really shouldn't have been that hot. I think it was a visitherm... I replaced it with a Tronic and have had no problems with my cichlids, rainbowfish etc.
I have had this tank and heater for several years .. and no problems ... a constant 77 degrees and still so.... and have had gouramies in there before with no problems .... it did seem sudden though ..... a fishy situation here
I suspect damage by another fish by its look..but that doesn't mean something can't crop up...... or isn't present as well

Were these the same gourami in the tank with your freaking oscar and an angel? :?:
Maybe something wonky is going down in your water or a short in the heater?
yes those are the same gourami ... the water perams are basically the same though .. the other gourami is fine as well .... any ideas on what to do? .. I plan on riding it out so far .. and keep adding melafix?
Melafix DOES have certain risks with use on labyrinths..

And it affects the labyrinth fish in the same stats as fatal food allergies (like shellfish or strawberries or peanuts). You treat 6 with great results and suddenly you kill off your next two.
Though never admitting a problem after complaints..BETTAFIX was developed...a diluted for-betta form of the formula..
Improper dose or bad luck of having the fish go through it as added...exact proplem never pinpointed other than it's oily quality...

If for some reason it gets in the labyrinth cavity, the oils sticks to the surfaces, causes sliming from irritation and the fish will take on pneumonia and die.
But considering that most fish meds are dangerous heavy metals....Melafix sure stands out as comparatively harmless. Normal fish would not be affected by the oilness the same way not even those with modified lungs which are not a direct connect to the gill (if it has them). So use CAREFULLY.
Personally since we are over cautious; we don't even buy it and use Almond leaves for our labyrinths instead.

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