Cherry shrimp eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 31, 2011
Have notice one of my cherry shrimps are carrying what looks like eggs but they are green?? Does this mean she is ready to drop or what? Any advice would be great
Green eggs are fine, all mine have yellow eggs, but green eggs aren't unheard of. Give it a few weeks and you should have little shrimplets scampering around your tank. If she does drop it, more than likely it just means it's her first time around, and she's inexperienced at handling them.
The eggs should always be green but it sounds like she is ready to drop
Cool, will the other cherry shrimp or baby bristlenose plecs eat them
Does anyone know If the babies will be ok with other shrimps and bristlenose plec fry???
They are completely safe with adult shrimp and should be safe with a plec, but there is always a small risk someone gets eaten.
Graemecookie said:
Does anyone know If the babies will be ok with other shrimps and bristlenose plec fry???

Yeah probably not.

Plecos are friendly and all, but the only safe fish is a fish that can't fit the lil fry in its mouth. Ottos are the only fish I've heard of being 100% safe.
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