chlorine bleach as a cleaner

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 21, 2003
Naperville, Illinois
I have seen multiple products recommend cleaning filter media by soaking in chlorine bleach and water. This seems odd to me as chlorine bleach is toxic, and everyone always stresses that you should never use any type of cleaners (detergent, etc.) to clean tanks or accessories.

Anyone know why is this o.k.? Just curious.
I would just remove the filter media out of your filter and use it for circulation. Filter media just traps waste, therefore when the water passes through it , it is like filtering your tank with waste.

PS where in Illinois are you from?
The only experience I have with this is when I recharge my Purigen packs. The directions say to use a bleach/water solution and soak the pack in it until it's white again. Then, rinse until you can't small any bleach. Then, put the pack in a bowl of FW and add some dechlorinator to remove any that might be left. I have done this several times with no bad results. I don't know about using the bleach on other types of filter media...some of them might absorb it. Bio-media should just be rinsed gently...preferably in tank water. Most other filter media is disposable and not worth the trouble to try to reuse. If you can be more specific about the product, someone else might have more input on this. The Purigen is the only thing I have ever used that wasn't disposable.
Logan J
Chlorine bleach is toxic, but when it is is totally gone. It evaporates to nothing. It does not leave a residue on the tank or whatever it is your cleaning. There is also dechlorinator (sodium thiosulfate) that will detoxify chlorine immediately, which makes it safer to use. It should be used with care and a little paranoia and alot of dechlorinator are a good combo when using bleach on your aquarium items. It should also be used outside the aquarium, the only time it should be used to clean the aquarium, is if the aquarium is empty or you want everything in it dead.
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