Cichlid Behavior - rubbing against gravel

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 3, 2005
Vancouver Island Canada
All my Africans rub themselves on the gravel and rocks I have in the tank is this normal? Also lol they seem to do a little boogy every now and then almost looks like a seizure lol? Maybe silly question but I really want to get as much knowledge as I can about these beautiful fish.
Sometimes ich is present on the gills before it becomes noticeable on the skin. Anyway the flashing and shimmying you observed can be thought of as the fish' attempt to scratch an impossible-to-reach itch. I would do a 10 - 20% water change - it will help to alleviate some of the fish' stress.

If it's ich on the gills, the heat treatment will work like a charm. I've never had any experience with gill flukes or parasites other than ich, so I don't want to recommend medications. Check back later and I'm sure you'll get more suggestions. I'll also move this thread to the FW Unhealthy Fish forum, so it will get more targeted attention.
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