Cichlid breeding!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 2, 2015
How long does it take for Green Terror Cichlids, or any SA Cichlids to form a pair and begin to mate?

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Too broad a question. Different Cichlids come to sexual maturity at different ages. However, let's say you have sexually mature fish to start with, the environmental conditions need to be right for spawning so time is not an issue to them.
The reality is "It happens when it happens." All you can really do is create the right environment for them to spawn in and go from there. In some cases, separating the sexes for a couple of weeks while conditioning them can result in a spawn the day they are reunited. In other cases, separating the fish means new bonds need to be made again so it can take longer. There just is no 1 answer for this.

Hope this helps (y)
Well, when they reach sexual maturity. For example, convicts can be 3 months old and attempt to breed. Oscars take 12-15 months to be able to breed, in good conditions.

Green Terror grow very slow so you may have to wait a while for them to get big enough. I would say at about 5-7 inches the reach the point where it could be possible to get a breeding pair.

As stated before, you asked a broad question. But i hope this helps.

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