Cichlid Identification please!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 30, 2013
Cardiff, S.Wales
I have a few fish that I am not 100% sure of their names.

1. I know I have two yellow labs, that ones easy.

2. Electric blue? x 2

3. I think these are what you call OB peacocks? x 3

4. Powder blue cichlid? x 2

5. Orange cichlid? x 2

6. This one is the most dominant in the tank. He's dug an area under a rock which he guards. We have another that is less striking and the bright one chases him around the tank sometimes. x 2

7. Stripey one? x 2

8. catfish? x 2

Appreciate the help thank you. :)
I have a few fish that I am not 100% sure of their names.

1. I know I have two yellow labs, that ones easy.

2. Electric blue? x 2

3. I think these are what you call OB peacocks? x 3

4. Powder blue cichlid? x 2

5. Orange cichlid? x 2

6. This one is the most dominant in the tank. He's dug an area under a rock which he guards. We have another that is less striking and the bright one chases him around the tank sometimes. x 2

7. Stripey one? x 2

8. catfish? x 2

Appreciate the help thank you. :)

The powder blue looks like a cobalt blue zebra

The stripe one is Milomo

The black and blue aggressive one looks like a johanni or something spelled that way

The orange one is probably a strawberry peacock. I know for sure it's a peacock.

The catfish is a pictus cat

I hope you have a big tank to keep these in.
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Thanks guys I'll take a look at these.

Any suggestions on ways to stop the Johanni bullying the other fish?
Thanks guys I'll take a look at these.

Any suggestions on ways to stop the Johanni bullying the other fish?
Put it in the toilet all by itself. Johanni's are extremely mean. The will badger the other fish constanly.
Put it in the toilet all by itself. Johanni's are extremely mean. The will badger the other fish constanly.

That is some poor advice. You do not flush a live healthy fish, not "store" one in the toilet. Most fish stores will take trade ins and there is no reason to do that.

The last one with splotches i believe is a placidochromis milomo, at the very least I can tell you it's a Malawian hap species and will easily outgrow your tank. Haps will do best in a minimum of a 5' tank.

The electric blue is indeed an electric blue ahli
It would be bad advice if I was serious. I'm sure most people knew I wasn't:nono:
Not sure bout the chiclids but i know for certian that the two cat fish are pitcus these are eating machines and will get very big. If i read correct you have a 40 gal tank? If this is the case then they need to go asap. You will need a minimum of 200gal to have a chance at housing all these. Some of those chichlids will get bigger than your hand to. Do your catfish a favor and remove them they will eventually die. For as large as as these and some of the others will get this will be downright mean very soon. They are beautiful tho
Not sure bout the chiclids but i know for certian that the two cat fish are pitcus these are eating machines and will get very big. If i read correct you have a 40 gal tank? If this is the case then they need to go asap. You will need a minimum of 200gal to have a chance at housing all these. Some of those chichlids will get bigger than your hand to. Do your catfish a favor and remove them they will eventually die. For as large as as these and some of the others will get this will be downright mean very soon. They are beautiful tho

They only get 4-7"

I've had 3 going on 4 years and I'm pretty sure they are done growing. Mine are like 5-6"
Sorry i came off a little rude in my last post. I listened to a sales rep the other day advise a costomer that it was ok to simalarly stock a 40 and stories like this frustrate the heck outa me. I aplogize sara i read your other post with the back story to this situation. And its not your fault you recived some bad advice.
My point to the catfish was that they get to big for a 40gal by them selfs. 7" fish imo is a large fish. The two i raised in two seprate 90's where pushing 10" when i got rid of them to better homes. Now i will admit that it took several years to get there as i found that they are slow growers. Both these fish would do very well in a 90 for a few years till they start eating you out of house and home lol.
Once again i apologize for being a little rude earlier and if i offended anyone.
#5 is an electric blue zebra. Mean and gets big. Gotta match its aggression or it will clear your tank. I have one and they are tough


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It looks like it may be a male auratus.. Is that stripe blue or very light yellow?
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