Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 4, 2003
Louisiana USA
About to get my 30 gallon brichardi tank running but wondering what lights to get. Either going with a 55 watt 6700K Daylight PC light or two 24 watt 6500K Sun T5. Just wondering which ones will compliment the fish better. The only plants that MAY go in the tank are vallisneria, but probalby just a fish tank. Any opinions are welcomed, thanks.
If this is a Brichardi tank only, then vals would be the best thing, but no plants would be fine, too. Rockwork is the thing with them, and many val varieties will get too tall for that tank (speaking from experience...) so research the different valisneria varieties prior to purchase. Otherwise, I would not worry too much about the lighting. I really adore Brichardi, so be sure and post pictures, if you can.
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