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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2013
Hello all. I have recently finished getting my 70 gallon tank stocked with a few cichlids. I bought what I think is a very pretty male OB peacock cichlid. I also bought 3 females that he could possibly mate with. This is my first run at cichlids so, how will I know of my male is interested in any of my females? Anything special I can do to help the process along? Or add to the tank for them?

Here are a few pics of tank and the male.


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There's lots of people who will give you help! But I just wanted to say, are his fins clamped? They look it but someone let me know If they arent
He looks like a fine specimen! As far as getting them to mate it's a waiting game in my experience. Some things I do with my proven groups is over feed the females then raise the temp some. I have read and been told this throws them into spawning, but even doing that the female has to be showing interest in the male before it helps any.
This weekend we had some tragedy in out tank. First the one female cichlid died then the gorgeous male. I'm sad ?. I bought both of those fish at a local fish store which was against better judgment and this is what happened. I'm not sure what happened. The male started looking sickly the next day was almost white and dead at the bottom of the tank. I'm hoping that they didn't have some type of bacteria or fungus and the rest of my tank will be ok. I'm really bummed!
Pretty cichlid. How do you like your volcano bubbler?

Thank you however he died over the weekend. I'm sad about it. I bought him and another female from a LFS in my area are both were dead in a week. All the other fish seem to be fine so I'm thinking it was their crappy water conditions and possible illness from the store which lead to their deaths. I should haven't bought from them. Kicking myself!

As for the volcano bubblers... I LOVE them! The seems to provide good aeration and they look cool. I actually have another one which has a red led light in the smaller 33 gallon tank which looks really cool too! It just doesn't give off enough light for the big volcano so it doesn't have the same effect.
Do a water test make sure nothing is wrong check your temp check everything

I am going to test everything again tonight and possibly even take a sample to the LFS for testing just for my peace of mind!

I just don't get how bring 2 fish home from 1 store and both are dead in a week when all the other tank mates seem to be just fine.
Thank you however he died over the weekend. I'm sad about it. I bought him and another female from a LFS in my area are both were dead in a week. All the other fish seem to be fine so I'm thinking it was their crappy water conditions and possible illness from the store which lead to their deaths. I should haven't bought from them. Kicking myself!

As for the volcano bubblers... I LOVE them! The seems to provide good aeration and they look cool. I actually have another one which has a red led light in the smaller 33 gallon tank which looks really cool too! It just doesn't give off enough light for the big volcano so it doesn't have the same effect.

Sorry to hear that about your cichlid. Its disheartening when a new fish dies.
I'm very sorry to here about it I have a baby male OB as well also make sure he wasn't nibbled on
Thank you however he died over the weekend. I'm sad about it. I bought him and another female from a LFS in my area are both were dead in a week. All the other fish seem to be fine so I'm thinking it was their crappy water conditions and possible illness from the store which lead to their deaths. I should haven't bought from them. Kicking myself!

As for the volcano bubblers... I LOVE them! The seems to provide good aeration and they look cool. I actually have another one which has a red led light in the smaller 33 gallon tank which looks really cool too! It just doesn't give off enough light for the big volcano so it doesn't have the same effect.

If you really think it was the LFS water ask them how long they have had those fish in, if they eat well, to test their water and things along those lines. I work at a LFS and would be happy to answer those questions and help you out. Dont be disappointed by them because of a few dead fish. But if they tell you answers you dont like then I guess just stop going there
Hey sorry to butt in but I have a jack Dempsey and a few silver dollars and a ghost knife the jack Dempsey is a juvenile but is growing fast and the ghost knife is about 4-5inches long he is a medium size do I have to worry about the jack Dempsey going after him or his black and white stripped tail fin they're in a 80 gallon tank by the way would appreciate some help or warnings Thanks
Hey sorry to butt in but I have a jack Dempsey and a few silver dollars and a ghost knife the jack Dempsey is a juvenile but is growing fast and the ghost knife is about 4-5inches long he is a medium size do I have to worry about the jack Dempsey going after him or his black and white stripped tail fin they're in a 80 gallon tank by the way would appreciate some help or warnings Thanks

Please create your own thread instead of hijacking others. Thank you.
If you really think it was the LFS water ask them how long they have had those fish in, if they eat well, to test their water and things along those lines. I work at a LFS and would be happy to answer those questions and help you out. Dont be disappointed by them because of a few dead fish. But if they tell you answers you dont like then I guess just stop going there

I have decided not to go an deal with this store. I'm usually don't avoid issues like that but I have a feeling that based on the people there it won't be worth my time and aggregation. I just won't go there again.

However I'm very frustrated as I think those fish got my whole tank sick. All of the remaining fish had these cotton looking kinda spots on them. It's not Ick (I have dealt this Ick in my molly tanks). I treated tank for this with pimafix and melafix since I have no clue what is going on for the past week. All fish have cleared up but one jack dempsey who still looks like something is on him and my one female cichlid also has a spot in her eye. The best way to describe it is that it looks like a cataract. I have checked all levels and all are good. I even got a 2nd canister filter for more filtration. Any suggestions what I can medicate them with separately??? I just want my fish healthy and will do whatever. I am going to set up 2 hospital tanks this weekend and get them better since the week long treatments haven't help them.

I also just got 5 cichlid fish off of online ordering! I have never done this and thought it was kinda strange having fish come in the mail but so far they are doing great! They are in a smaller tank alone til they grow a bit. So excited to see what colors they turn out to be!
I have decided not to go an deal with this store. I'm usually don't avoid issues like that but I have a feeling that based on the people there it won't be worth my time and aggregation. I just won't go there again.

However I'm very frustrated as I think those fish got my whole tank sick. All of the remaining fish had these cotton looking kinda spots on them. It's not Ick (I have dealt this Ick in my molly tanks). I treated tank for this with pimafix and melafix since I have no clue what is going on for the past week. All fish have cleared up but one jack dempsey who still looks like something is on him and my one female cichlid also has a spot in her eye. The best way to describe it is that it looks like a cataract. I have checked all levels and all are good. I even got a 2nd canister filter for more filtration. Any suggestions what I can medicate them with separately??? I just want my fish healthy and will do whatever. I am going to set up 2 hospital tanks this weekend and get them better since the week long treatments haven't help them.

I also just got 5 cichlid fish off of online ordering! I have never done this and thought it was kinda strange having fish come in the mail but so far they are doing great! They are in a smaller tank alone til they grow a bit. So excited to see what colors they turn out to be!

Well sorry to hear about the store!!! I know if i was there i would have helped anyone if they were in your situation. And yeah i know what youre talking about. Its like a bacterial infection. We use the pimafix and melafix too and it helps. It might be something different but if could probably make a thread and post a pic and see what people tell you what to do. but for now id either put the infected in the hospital tank(if you have one) or just keep using those chemicals. it might just take time too
yes, it sounds like disease and I don't think the natural remedies will cure it. I would post a new thread in freshwater unhealthy fish with a pic and tank info. You will get good advice
So I had been doing the meds and even some aquariums salt. The cichlid with the eye issue seems fine now however now 2 jacks look like they have stuff on them. I kinda have a dumb question here but could this be the sand in the tank also? Another question, why do the cichlid pick up sand and spit it back out. It's kinda funny to watch them but was just wondering.
So I had been doing the meds and even some aquariums salt. The cichlid with the eye issue seems fine now however now 2 jacks look like they have stuff on them. I kinda have a dumb question here but could this be the sand in the tank also? Another question, why do the cichlid pick up sand and spit it back out. It's kinda funny to watch them but was just wondering.

From what I know.. Bacteria can reside in anything from tank walls to the substrate. As for the fish behavior, it is their natural instincts to search for food.
I'd be doing PWCs every couple of days just in case the new fish left you with something. Also, of you don't have cories, salt and a raised temp would be a good idea. By the time you notice symptoms, it can be too late. Good luck.
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