Clamp light for low tech/low light 20L?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 8, 2013
Hello! I have a 20 gallon long tank I tore down a few months ago because, well, honestly it looked awful and I didn't have the money or time to fix it up. Now I do, and want to try a lowlight tank.

I don't exactly want a planted tank, but rather, a tank with plants. I was just thinking something like a few different types of java fern, maybe some anubias types, and maybe an Amazon sword, if that would work.

Right now, I just have stock lighting, but it is a 17 watt full spectrum bulb. If I were to get one of those clamp lights and stick a CFL in there, would it be enough to grow low light plants?
Yes. Several members on this forum have had success with this. Some have painted the outer part of the shell black to reduce the "shininess". Due to the length of the tank, you may want to think about getting a second one.
Okay, thank you! I never even thought about it as an option for cheap lighting until I saw a Youtube video that mentioned it
I use CFL's on my tank. I would use have two on your tank. I am using the Alzo CFL's for mine, 27 - ish watts, 6700k I think. Daylight, also. Looks nice. I painted the outside of mine blue with spray paint.
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