Cleaning a filter?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 14, 2004
San Jose, Ca
I was wondering if it is ok to clean my wet dry filter, im pretty sure i shouldnt touch the bioballs but is it ok to clean the top pad, and the 3 pads that are rolled up below it, the tubes that also bring in water also have a lot of algea in side should i clean those too?

my filter is a Mighty Max wet dry filter

Your advice would be much appreciated
As long as you use tank water (or aged prepared SW), you can clean anything you like, including the bioballs.
u'll want to clean/replace the pads in there every so often. if you dont, you might as well not have them in there, as everything trapped will just decay on the pad.
When I do my water changes I take the filters out and rinse them in the water I have taken out and inspect them after. If they are to damaged I replace them with new ones. I end up replacing them every 2 to 3 months. I always think is cool when I take the pads out to see all the pods living on them. I take them off and drop them back in the tank (although they never make it to the bottom :wink: ) Also the return lines do get alot of algae in them, I find that the day before I am going to change the water, I give them a squeeze and the algae releases, then I filter it out after it settles the next day with my water change.


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