Cloudy tank won't clear up

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2005
Calgary AB Canada
I have had my tank since February, I let it cycle with some small platies in it for about a month before introducing any new fish, the tank seemed to clear up just fine, it remained a little cloudy, I chalked it up to a sandy bottom. After the month was up I purchased a few Gouramis with the hopes to breed them, However the Male died from fin rot with in a week of getting him, one of the females died about 2 weeks after that. I though this might be from high nitrogen levels, but I took a water sample to the pet store and all is good. So I though it might be from poor filtration, i purchased and Aquaclear 150 and installed the new ammonia bag as well as a new charcoal bag and a new filter, Now I understand that it needs to cycle again and which it has had another month to do so. In the mean time I put some creeping charlie plants in which seem to be very dirty ( they keep dropping there leaves) however they have been growing like crazy. Now to my major problem... the tank always seems to be cloudy, i don't know if it is because I am over feeding them( a pinch or two once a day for 4 platies 2 gouramis and 2 corys) Or if it is still because of poor filtration or maybe it is because of the live plants... Oh yeh I forgot to mention that my new male gourami has now past on this evening, He was looking very lethargic and getting smaller and less active... Helpppppppppppppppppppppp, I am very frustrated and do not know what to do..............
Hi! What size is your tank? Do you have the latest water parameter measurements from your LFS? You might want to consider buying your own test kit, especially if your tank has not cycled yet. The parameters would be a great help for folks here to diagnose the problem. Try to avoid "ammonia bags" if your tank hasn't cycled yet. It actually starves the beneficial bacteria of the ammonia it needs, although if you have a small tank that's overstocked, there probably is no shortage of ammonia:p The cloudiness could be an algae or bacteria bloom that often happens toward the end of a cycle when you have nitrates building up. Do you use declorinator for your tank whenever you add water? How often do you do water changes, how much water do you change each time and how often do you gravel vac? How long do you have your lights on each day? Is the tank in direct sunlight?
My tank is a 20g that I have had since February, I have made bi weekly water changes of about 25-30% each time, I do use the dechlorinator and only put the amonia bag in after 2 months, when I bought my new filter. I was told my tank should have bben cycled by that time. I don't have my own kit or the peramaters right now, I will take asample down the lfs this weekend and have them test it again. I use the gravel vac each time to do my water changes and scoop any gunk off the bottom, with the sand it is more noticable than with the rock. The tank gets about 12 hours of light and is in my basment so no direct sunlight is present. I have 4 paltys 1 female dwarf gourami, 2 corys and 2 zebra snails.
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