Cloudy water problems

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 25, 2003
I havn't been on in awhile, I have been grounded. Being grounded and having nothing to do, yes, I have kept up with daily 20% water changes. My problem is in my 10 gal. goldfish tank. It seems as if the water has gotten cloudier despite my water changes. I added a new carbon filter about a week ago but that couldnt last this long? Also I just put a bunch of anachris plants in about a week ago also. Today I am planning on doing one final 50% water change once and for all. How much should this help? What else can I do?
I thought the whole carbon thing would have helped. Maybe try and use some floss in the filter? More input...
nate, it isn't the water changes that is your problem. it is the live plants you bought for the tank. i found the same thing when i put in a couple of those ferns you have, on the right hand corner. um......its definatley the plants, becuase it recently (when you got the plants) got cloudy. Don't worry about it it's natural
I have kept up with daily 20% water changes.

Wooooah, there! maybe 20% a week, but not every day! Thats too much water changing, let it settle down, it'l clear if you give it some time.

PS, felipe, it is possible that the new plants could have had some bacteria on them that added to his bacteria bloom, but it should go away in a few days up to a couple weeks. If water is still coudy after a few weeks, then there must be some other problem. live plants do not cause cloudy water just by being there.
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