Cloudy water/tank just set up

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 4, 2009
East Central FL
Hi all! Need some advice ASAP. I have a 30 gal goldfish tank which is too small for four goldies. Last weekend I bought a 55 gal and set it up with just gravel, filled it with water and am running a clean filter on it just to keep the water circulating (I would have preferred a 60 but this one was on sale and all I could afford). Even though I didn't put fish in it yet, I did add Prime to the water. So, its been running since last weekend and I thought I would add the goldies to the new tank today. I'm not doing a fishless cycle but I am going to use the filter that is in the old tank and also use another filter with seasoned media from some of my other tanks. It won't be an instant cycle but it will jumpstart it at least.

But my problem is, this tank has been cloudy almost since I set it up. Couldn't be a bacterial bloom because everything was clean when I put it in and there is nothing to feed the bacteria anyway. The gravel was clean. It was from an old tank that I broke down months ago. I rinsed the gravel real well and let it sit in the sun for a couple of days then bagged it up when it was dry. So, what could be causing the cloudiness and could this be harmful to my fish? I had planned to transfer them today. I do plan to do a partial water change before I put them in the tank. I"m also going to use the decorations that are in the old tank which might add a little bit of good bacteria.

Any suggestions? I'm not too worried about how it looks at the moment, I'm sure it will clear with time. I'm just concerned that it might be harmful to my fish. The goldies are my absolute favorite fish and if anything happens to them I'll go and shoot myself!
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