Cloudy water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 22, 2004
mid iowa
We set up a 90 gal tank about 9 weeks ago , the water has never cleared and is still cloudy , we have two oscars , a parrot cichld , jack dimpsy , two pleco , a balo shark and two tank busters in it can any one help ???
Cloudy water is very common in new tanks. Is the tank cycled? Do you test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. If so, what are your readings?

I had cloudy water in my 75 gal not too long ago (which was set up in mid-July and was fully cycled before I put fish in). I have two filters in that tank and put carbon filters in both. The water cleared up within a couple days.

Welcome to AA, joeliowa! :D
What kind of substrate are you using? Was it adequately washed beforehand? Could it be that you are over feeding or that your fish are just messy eaters and a cat or two on the bottom might help. (Most of the fish you have listed, bar one or two, are to not put too fine a point on, pigs!) Also, could it be the food? I once bought some tetramin sinking algae wafers (which had very little algae in them) and they would without fail cloud the water by the next morning. Jeff
The filter system is two wisper 60's and one aqua-tec power head on the under gravel filter.I know that the oscars are real messy eaters and we feed them cichlid floating sticks, and algae disc for the pleco.
Try running carbon in the whispers and see if the little piggies will be satisfied with less. Jeff
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