Cloudy Water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Hey All. 8) I have a question about cloudy water. It is does not seem to affect the fish negatively (yet) so if it's a problem I'd like to nip it early.

The water has a white tint to it. At my last water change I also changed the filter inserts (rocks, sponge, and carbon) but the water didnt seem to clear up. any ideas or suggestions :?: and no, i havent tested the water for anything yet because im not sure what to test for. thanks!
Hi, I'm struggling with cloudy water also, and since it's a new tank, I think it's new tank syndrome (a "bacteria bloom"). I've been doing PWC every day to everyother day and have been testing for Ammonia and NitrIte. I did have a NitrIte spike and thus had a fish get fungus on his tail and eye :? (Melafix is doing a wonderful job). I wonder if changing all the media at once has something to do with the cloudiness - when you change everything at once, you get rid of all the good bacteria whereas if you change the media in stages, then some bacteria is always present. Good Luck!
At my last water change I also changed the filter inserts (rocks, sponge, and carbon)

This sounds like your problem right there. All your beneficial bacteria resides on your filter bed, sponge filter and by cleaning and replacing everything at once, puts you into a mini cycle.

Your bacteria you have left is having a hardier time to breakdown the ammonia. Someone correct me if I"m wrong, but this is my guess until you can give us a ammonia and nitrite reading.
ok..the tank is relatively new, about 2 months. im not sure about the filter changing but that is totally possible. i was also told that it might be something like little particles that cannot be picked up through my filter..ill keep everyone posted on any tests i do this weekend. (finals week, little time until thursday). thanks!
you should get tests strips! I've been finding them extremely helpful (good for peace of mind, too). I have test strips that test ph, alkalinity, hardness, nitrate and nitrite all on one strip (all good stuff to know). I have a second test kit for ammonia. it might sound obsessive ( :wink: ) but I have a little notebook I record all the test results in so I have a better idea what might be causes changes in my tank. the water in my 29 gallon is also a tad bit cloudy, and I do attribute it to new tank syndrome.
good luck with you tank :D
Heh, Ok. So I had my water tested and the nitrate levels were through the roof. so, i added "cycle" and reduced feeding (which is probably the problem from the beginning). thanks for all your hints and helpful insights! problem should be solved within the week! :)
minzavella that is ot obbseeive at all i test once a week at lest a record the date time and all that stuff.

Dan :)
just wanted to know does this happen in tanks that are cycling or any new tank cycled or not
ie- a tank that has the filter off a established tank can this tank cloud up the same way
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