clown acting strange..

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 6, 2004
Fort Worth TX
My clown keeps going to the top and skims it with its doesn't seem to be gasping for air..none of the other fish are doing it..there is a slightly high nitrite level..anyone know why she's behaving this way?
What is the actual level of nitrate in the system and is there any sign of NH3 or NO2?

Based on your previous pH problem, I would suspect low O2 in the water. Have you had any progress there?

yea, there is a small amount of nitrite. I bought some live rock today from my lfs, and the ph went to where it is supposed to be in about 12 hours, so that's all better now..the clown seems better, she isn't doing that as much, she seems preoccupied.. trying to eat the crabs now :) Should I get some more live rock soon or wait awhile before I get more? I got 11 lbs today..i have a 40 gal tank at the moment..i plan on getting a 200 within the next year
you have a 40 gal tank with 11 lbs of rock? ya you could go with about another 50 lbs of rock. i have a 46 gal tank with 63 lbs of rock in it. and i want to get a 20 gal sump to fill that with more rock.
You could definately do with some more LR if you wish to eliminate the need for the HOB. I would also be sure that you get some more water flow in there as well.

If you do get more LR, be sure you cure it seperately no matter how long the LFS tells you they've had it. Each time you add rock that is not properly cured you will have these issues or worse. Not worth the risk IMO.

This arcicle should help:
Curing Live Rock? I didn't even know it was sick!!

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