clown fish living in leather

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 10, 2003
I have a anemone(about the size of a dinner plate) and a toadstool(about the size of a saucer), and my percula clownfish only swims in my toadstool. He absolutely loves it. Hes not doing any damage but i'd like a clown for the anemone. is there any reason why he chose the leather over the anemone?
Also i was wondering if buying spring water is as good as having R.O.? i dont have the money for R.O. so if spring water is just as good than ill stick with that. Thanks
is there any reason why he chose the leather over the anemone?
Could be it was the wrong kind of anemone. Not all clowns will take up with all anemones and not all anemones are host anemones. What kind of anemone is it?
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