Clownfish hosting anything besides anemones

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2003
So Cal
Will clownfish host other corals like leathers and devils hands. If so are there specific ones that they prefer. My boyfriend said that they might but i was just making sure. My tank doesn't have enough light to house an anemone and my clownfish looks lonely. Thanks.
Clowns can host in other things but its not a guarinteed thing. In fact its not even guarinteed they will host in an anenome.

Its like setting your clown up on a blind date. hehe The clown might not warm up to the coral for many weeks/months if it ever does. or it could take to it within hours.

My maroon used to like to hang out around one particular rock before I got a tank rased bubble tip for it.
I've seen them 'bond' with flower pot corals, colt corals, plate corals, and hairy mushrooms. the shrooms are probably the easiest to care for and cheapest to buy :)
I haven't actually tried this yet but I have read if you have a clown and an anemone and the clown has not taken to it yet, try taping a pic on the tank of that breed of clown in an anemone so the clown can see it. The clown should get the general idea.
WOW, Krusty sure is getting dark!!

My button polyps (protopalythoa sp) host my perc.


I have also had pink skunk clowns that adopted a toadstool leather and later an elegance coral.


LOL my mom's clowns were hosting with her feather dusters they must have been desperate. :lol: IS it beneficial for a clown that hosts with corals and not anenomes, I know its benefical for clowns when they are hosts to an anenome just wondering if corals have any effect?
If the coral can tolerate the harrassment, it should recieve the same benefits as the anemone does. But in some cases, clownfish can be detrimental to the coral, for example, I had a very nice LT plate coral that my pink skunks adopted, it went fine for a couple of months, then one of the clowns ripped the flesh of the coral. The coral succumbed to a brown jelly infection and was gone in a day.
reefrunner69 said:
WOW, Krusty sure is getting dark!!

Thanks for noticing Kevin!

Here's a picture I snapped yesterday of Krusty and his mate Pococo taking care of their latest batch of eggs:
I'm all set to try this time. I have the fry tank & Rotifers all set to go. The fry should hatch Saturday.
AWWWWW... i want some. How do you know if you have a mated pair of clowns? Or is it just whether you get lucky or not? I heard that the female is always bigger than the male but are there any other distinctions between them?
BBReef said:
How do you know if you have a mated pair of clowns? Or is it just whether you get lucky or not? I heard that the female is always bigger than the male but are there any other distinctions between them?

Clownfish start life non-gendered. The dominant Clown in a group will become Female and the second in command will become male, all others stay immature, possibly for their entire lives. If the Female dies the male will become female and if the male dies the next immature Clown in the group will become male.

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