Clowns in 10?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 27, 2013
Noob to SW. What can i put in a 10? I would like a clown and some cheap fish. Equipment? Food? Can I use a tetra whisper that used to be FW?

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Also, I don't want an anemone.

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Equipment I would go with an ac30-50. Use the sponge that came with it and chemipure elite. Food wise, I use omega one pellets and they love them.
Clownfish can get large, but you'd want to have good filtration in the tank to support a single clown.
Following the lbs per gallon rule for sand and rock will also assist.
I wouldn't do more than the single clown in the tank to make sure parameters keep stable.
Weekly water changes will also keep things in check.

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