Co2, should I????

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 10, 2006
:? Hey everyone.....

Okay, trying to plant my cichlid tank with "cichlid friendly" plants. So far the Vals arn't fairing too well, they seem to be like ceasar salad for my fish...anyways, just wondering if with standard kit lighting would a Co2 help any? Would that on its own make any difference? Im going to my LFS shortly and was going to price them out. If anyone has any advice for me Id sure appreciate it. Thanks so much.


DIY would be great except Im not very mechanically inclined. Id screw up something for sure! LOL
Anyways, the tank is 75 gall, in case that makes any difference. Probably just way more expensive! Thanks for the info
Unfortunately with the size of your tank, DIY CO2 would be extremely difficult. You would be much better off going with a pressurized system. Less frusteration trying to keep your CO2 levels high enough and steady.
if your looking for some good prices has some cheap regulators, they don't have a selinoid(sp?) shut off valve. You could probably find one of those on ebay fairly cheap or just deal with keeping CO2 flowing 24/7

Just came from the LFS and for my tank, the Co2's are either $300.00, or Id have to buy two that do 40 gall. each for $40.00 a piece. Not bad price but I think the plants I chose today are fairly resiliant so Im going to try them without the Co2 for now, make sure that my fish don't have them for lunch before I spend the money and I have no plants left anyways! LOL Thanks for all the advice.

Angla fish
i had a stem of giant hygro in my cichlid tank for a while and they didnt like the taste of it. thet bit it a few times then completly ignored it but i took it our due to light issues. what u might want to look into is a fast growing plant so it will grow faster than they can eat it. what system were u looking at that was $40 for a 40 gallon tank? the only system that i can think of that is 40 dollars is the hagen natural co2 system and that is only good for 20 gallons and is just an expensive DIY system (i bought it i should know lol). i hope u have more luck with these plants compared to the pther ones i saw in your tank lol.
Crinum Natans if you can fit it in, Crinum calamistratum is also a very beautiful plant, but will grow out of most aquarium tops. Fish don't eat crinum because it tastes bad.


Thanks for the info. MF I don't know what system it was they were talking about for $40.00, but he did say it would deffinately do 40 gallons hence the reason Id need two of them for my 75. Anyways, the Vals are done like dinner, but the java ferns seem to have turned off my fish. The only one who ate them was my Severum in the 55, but he's not in my 75 now so hopefully they'll be safe. I love the crinum's so I have no problem going out and buying some, but I had some before and they got eaten as well but in a community tank which I don't have anymore. Well Ill see......

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