coconut husk substrate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 7, 2011
Hi all. Thinking of mixing ground coconut husk into my sand substrate for my dwarf hair grass. Has anybody else tried anything like this. The coconut husk I've ordered is one of those compressed blocks that expands in water its 100 percent coconut with no chemicals or additives and ph neutral. I'd be interested to read other peoples thoughts and experiences.
Thanks Lee
Never heard of using it (but I'm fairly new to planted tanks). I'd love to know as well. :)
I would worry about it decaying in the tank. If not that then I dont see any problem with it at all. Are you trying to give the hairgrass something to root to?
my coconut husk gets delivered tomorrow im going to soak it for a few days and keep changing the water to get some of the tannines out il keep you posted on how well it works once its in
I don't think coconut fibers would have a decay issue as they are pretty much mineralized (weathered) long before they reach a tank.

They sell this stuff in blocks at one of my local hardware/garden stores, I've just never used it. What is the purpose of adding it to the substrate?
i was going to see if it would be a cheaper option for a soil like substrate i already got sand down but it wont hold nutrients i was going to use root tabs but theyre not shrimp friendly so il try the coconut brick instead mixed with the sand and little fine gravel
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