Columnaris that stubborn?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 23, 2011
My tank

29 gal @ 73.5 F
0 ammonia
0 nitirite
30 nitrate

7 red eye tetra
8 zebra danio
1 dwarf gourami

Aqua Clear 50 hob

Three of my zebra fish appear to have columnaris. One has a sizable "cotton ball" on his mouth, another has a grayish-like ball on the mouth, and the last one has a thin white line on his mouth. All other fish are free of any defects in apperance and behavior. I began with water changes of 15% every other day with thourgh gravel vaccuming. I also began to add salt at 1 tbsp per 5 gal. Two weeks later and no change i purchased Primafix and dosed full strength for 7 days. Still nothing, so went out and got Maracyn dosed that at full strength for 10 days and still no results. Been over a month since i noticed the symtoms, to this day the three infected ones have almost the exact same appeareance described above and all still eat happily and school well. But what am i to do now? Why cant i kick this?
You need to properly kill it with gram-negative antibiotics because its a gram-negative infection. Pimafix is useless & maracyn is a gram-positive antibiotic. Continue with the low temps, aquarium salt & add a gram-negative antibiotic such as kanamycin (kanaplex) or minocycline (maracyn 2). Let us know how this works for you!
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