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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 25, 2005
Flagstaff, AZ
I awoke this am and notice that one of my Panda Corycats seems to have Columnaris. It has a two small cotton-looking growths around its fins. What is the best plan of action? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A cottony looking growth is actually not columnaris, but rather a body/fin fungus. I would grab a medicine such as Maroxy from Mardel, or Jungle's Fungus Clear Tablets, and treat your tank. It's also important to keep your water quality good during treatment. With bad water, the condition will be much harder to cure. Some fish can even overcome the infection without meds, with just pristine water alone.

Best of luck.
I've treated fungus and culminaris with MELAFIX before. It's all natural and has a nice scent too.
I'm with DT for the treatment of this. Cory cats are prone to such things because they are down there with decaying food and other stuff, where concentrations of ammonia and bacteria are higher. This might be a good indication that some attention needs to be paid to cleaning up the substrate, and being sure you are not overfeeding. Good luck with your little fellow!
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