Common breeding size?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 2, 2014
Looking to introduce some commons to my pond for hopes of breeding. Around what size, in inches do they usually begin to spawn?

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Ours were like, 4-6 inches I think? It's been a few years, but I believe that's right about where they were.
Generally, 6+inches (including tail) to reach sexual maturity for singletail goldfish. If you live somewhere with seasonal weather changes, they may not spawn the first year but likely will the second year depending on the size of fish your introducing. :)
It is not necessarily size that determines the breeding age. Goldfish that grow quickly to a certain size will mature earlier than slower growers in cooler water. I have bred from goldfish that were 4-5 inches and just 9 months old, grown in water of 23C in intensive farming conditions.
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