Compatibility of these fish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 4, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
I am starting a new tank and am interested in the following fish:

Blood Parrot
Black Ghost Knife Fish
Red Tailed Black Shark

I can't get them all due to my 65 Gal tank size. Do any of these go really well together or specifically not work together?
The oscar will fill the tank itself.

I would think the convicts, blood parrots and shark could cohabitate given enough hiding spots.

The knife is going to get to big and do not do well with other aggressive fish.
It really depends on what your looking for whether it's a single fish or multiples. But out of that list my vote is for the Oscar living by itself. There's no fish that has more personality than a Oscar living alone. The fish when alone will pay more attention to you'll understand why they call them the water dog.
:) I like the way you think. Oscars are my favorite. I'd love to have one in the tank, but I don't know if I'll be able to convince my significant other that our beautifully decorated tank is only going to have one giant fish!

Regarding the Knifefish, I thought I had read that they are fairly aggressive and need to be in the tank with tougher species. Sounds like you are saying they can't handle species too well? Also - how big of a tank do you need for them? I thought they only grew to about 5 inches?
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