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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 3, 2015
As some of you may have read, I had several fish die a while ago, and now my 10 gallon planted tank only has 3 female guppies. I'm going to move them to a larger tank, and let them live the rest of their lives there. Meanwhile, I am left with an empty aquarium (YES!!! So many possibilities!). I've decided to go down a rather risky path, and have a betta, a scarlet badis male/female pair, and perhaps an ADF. I know some of you are probably very unhappy with this, but I think I have a reasonable plan:
I will get a betta, and determine what his (or maybe her) temperament is. If that fails, I will just have one betta in there and that is that. If it is successful and it ends up being a calm fish, I will introduce the ADF, and see how that goes. If it is not successful, I have a backup plan. Finally, I will introduce the badis pair. Again, I have a backup plan. So, how does that sound? Any suggestions? Thank you!
There's generally no reason a betta can't go with other fish. By and large they are fairly peaceful. Some can be psychotic like my current betta. But most do fine and are actually the ones that get picked on.

Personally, I'm not well versed in badis care so it's possible that it would work, just keep a close eye on the badis. They are fairly sensitive fish.
There's no problem with that. One of my bettas lives in a 10g with 10 ish cherry shrimp, 5 endlers, and 4 Pygmy raspboras.

36g semi-aggressive
20g community
10g betta, nano fish, shrimp
5.5g betta
There's no problem with that. One of my bettas lives in a 10g with 10 ish cherry shrimp, 5 endlers, and 4 Pygmy raspboras.

36g semi-aggressive
20g community
10g betta, nano fish, shrimp
5.5g betta
One of the things to remember is that each betta has a different personality. My betta for example spent the entire day trying to kill the neon teteas he was with.
So, from what I understand, it should be fine as long as the betta is not aggressive? Could I add ghost shrimp too?
I GOT THE BETTA!!! Sorry, I'm just very excited. Right now her stupid little betta cup is floating in the tank, and I will start acclimating her in a few minutes. She is a little blue crown tail with red fins.
She seems like she can't quite figure out what to do with all this new space. So far, she's also pretty calm, and has only cautiously inspected the snails. Any name ideas?
Ooo she's pretty! And pregnant! Or just bloated... sure looks pregnant to me though she's fat :D

Good news! I added an ADF today, and Ruby completely ignored her (I think it's female, although I could be wrong).

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