Compatible tank mates

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 23, 2011
I have 2 female convicts and planning to get a male once i get a 55g tank....... is it ok if i have a eel in their with them?
the convicts will be breeding so i thought instead of the eel how about some breeding angel fish?
I read quite a bit about convicts this morning, my understanding is that they will kill everything including plecos. But I've never owned them.
Convicts are very very pugnacious fish. Throw in the fact that they are easy to breed, they will pick at and kill most everything. A 55 gallon is great for a breeding pair and it is a lot of fun to watch them lay eggs and raise there fry. Provide lots of rock work to prevent too much aggression. Clay flower pots work great for laying there eggs also.
I read quite a bit about convicts this morning, my understanding is that they will kill everything including plecos. But I've never owned them.

This comes from the typical morons who throw them in with tropicals then say "gee why did the cons kill my other fish?". When stocked with similar disposition fish they are no more aggressive than any other Central Americans even when breeding.
I've had them attack my hand while cleaning getting too close to the eggs, I also had a 8 inch Jack Dempsey in with them that I removed due to them being very protective. They are very aggressive and yes just like any other cichlid of there same aggression level. You can't change nature and instinct.
The cool thing about convincts and all archocentrus (sp?) is that they are small. While they are just as aggressive as their larger CA cousins, they can't do quite as much damage. Yes, they can and will kill most "pretty" community fish, but plecos are darned near indestructible. A school of buenos ares tetras or generic australian rainbows generally do fine with them as well. Be prepared for the female that does not pair with the male to get picked on. the bad news is this can be bad for the "target fish" - so provide lots of cover and hiding places. The good news is a target fish can strengthen the pair bond between the pair.

I would pass on the eel.
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