Condi Anenome

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 10, 2005
Liberal, KS, USA
I placed a condi into my tank a few days ago. At night I turn off the lights. When I wake in the morning and turn the lights on he is a small glob looking creature on the rock. In an about half an hour he has returned to his normal size. Is it ok to turn the lights off at night and is this normal behavior. Thanks :roll:
It's typical behavior for them to draw up like that at night. It's fine to turn the lights off. They need thier down time too. :D
Thanks for the quick advice. This is the first anenome that I have purchased and everyone stated that the condi was a good first anenome due to their hardiness.

Any advice on feeding? The LFS where I purchased them stated that he add a little yeast to his tank everyother week??????? :?
I wouldn't worry about feeding it yet. Maybe in a week or two after it's settled. Then offer it something small like a few mysid shrimp from a turkey baster over it. Food will depend on the size of the anemone too but smaller pieces are always better. And only feed it once or twice a week.
Today I was feeding my puffer using a wooden skewer and I accidently touched a tenicle of the anemone. It turned black and shriveled up. Later I returned and it was back to normal. What happened?
This whole anenome thing is very unique. It seems that everyday is something new. For the past two days when I wake up both of my anenomes have a string of brown mucas type substance coming from them. Is this normal and what is it?
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